Good morning!! It's sunny and 76° here in redneck heaven (Harriman, Tennessee). Much water has passed under the bridge since we last left my silly build. I am proud to say, the thing still runs strong as ever, though some of the peripherals have fallen into disrepair. Mostly, the never redone bits have continued to age. In the meantime, my mother has been diagnosed with PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy). Essentially, this is a 3 to 6 year death sentence where her brain slowly dies. It's been absolute hell on my father, and much of my time has been spent traveling back and forth to Florida in my '03 Miata. I take a back way, so the trip is as enjoyable as possible (though I'm starting to memorize much of the 600-and-some mile trip. Nonetheless, it's time to get some stuff done, but please understand, this thread might have fits and starts and periods of no activity. A quick rundown of where we stand and where we're headed: Currently, it runs great and shifts great. An inspection of the underbody reveals no rust, and, if the one body bolt I pulled can be trusted, even the body mounts and hardware are in good shape. It currently has 3:whatever a stock Wagoneer comes with, with tires which are too tall for the gearing. Body is in great shape, with no rust and minimal damage. Power windows don't. Dash needs a rethink Plans: Chassis
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William K ElliottWilliam is a member of that ever-popular group known as “Aspiring Writers,” also known as “unemployed.” He has been dabbling in writing for some twenty or thirty years, and has finally decided to “get down to business.” With inspiration from Steven King’s “On Writing,” and a lot of support from his wife, Kristy, he has been working on his first novel. Archives
November 2023